About Us

Buy Local 02871

Welcome to our community resource for promoting and supporting local businesses and community organizations in Portsmouth.

BuyLocal02871.com is a place where local businesses and support organizations can create FREE listings where locals and visitors can find and support their favorites.

Supporting local businesses and community organizations is important for the health of our community. When you buy local, you are supporting your neighbors, your friends, and your community. You are also helping to support our local economy.

On ‘BuyLocal02871’, you can find businesses and organizations of all kinds, from restaurants and shops to service providers and artisans. We are constantly adding new businesses, so be sure to check back often.

To list your Portsmouth business on BuyLocal02871.com, simply visit our website and click on the “Add My Business” button. It’s that easy!

We hope you will join us in supporting our local businesses and organizations

RI Law requires businesses to register with the municipality.   Go to  https://portsmouthri.portal.opengov.com/ to register your business or contact the Town Clerk (email ClerkOffice@portsmouthri.gov or call 401-683-2101).

Together, we can make Portsmouth a great place to live, work, and play

02871 is FUN !!!

Add your Portsmouth Business for FREE!